Returns & Exchange

All orders may be returned within 14 days of shipment date. All returned items must be in their original condition, with tags attached. Worn, altered or washed merchandise cannot be returned. The item must be returned in its original packaging, accompanied by the clothing label.





Once your return is received, please allow 3 to 7 business days (depending on peak times) for your return to be processed and 3 to 4 business days for your refund to appear to your original form of payment. If your return does not meet the conditions listed, the package will be sent back to you. When your return has been accepted, your refund will be issued and you will receive a confirmation email.


Please note, taxes and expenses paid at customs (customs duty, value added tax, excise and compensatory taxes etc.) arising from the delivery of the service delivery are entirely the responsibility of the buyer and will be deducted from your total refunded amount.



If you didn't receive your refund up to 10 business days after your return has been received please send mail to to contact us.